Bring Additional Light and Fresh Air to Your Home with Skylights
Skylights can improve energy efficiency, brighten low-light areas, and provide a much-needed dimension to a wide variety of rooms.
In addition to providing extra light that can cut down on lighting costs, the amount of heat a skylight allows in can have a sizable impact on your energy bill.
Skylight options include:
- Fixed
- Operable
- SolarTubes
Fixed Skylights
A Fixed Skylight allows you to have natural light in areas of your home you'd never thought possible! Whether your space is set up as a work area, game room, man cave, or an art studio, you can add natural light and a sky view with fixed skylights.
Operable Skylights
Operable skylights give you the flexibility and ease of opening and closing for fresh air and additional ventilation.
SolarTube or sun tube skylights bring natural light into homes through a specially designed tunnel that passes from roof to ceiling and are a simple and cost-effective way to add natural light to all spaces.
Sun tubes bring natural light into your home in ways artificial light sources cannot and can be added anywhere there is 6 meters or less between your ceiling and your roof.
As the seasons change, the tube captures daylight and efficiently illuminates indoor spaces.